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  • Writer's pictureNurdina Nisaa Filanti

Day 16 : Majorette Selection in Saint Paul

15th August 2018

Today, I have no class to observe due to the activity day in Saint Paul. As I said in the previous daily report, Wednesday is the activity day for the students in Saint Paul. So, Wednesday is the day for the students to have extracuriculer activites with their club such as scout, dance club, math club, etc. And since there’s no class to observe, I prefer to fulfil my free time with productive activities such as preparing for the lesson plan and studying for my actual teaching which will be conduct on Friday.

This afternoon , from our dormitory which located on the 3rd floor, we heard some noises from the junior high school building. Several of my girls and I decide to come and see what happened, turns out it’s the majorette selection! Majorette is the one who lead a marching band. The participants here are coming from different level, junior high school and senior high school. But today is the majorette selection for senior high school level.

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