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  • Writer's pictureNurdina Nisaa Filanti

Day 24 : D-1 Last Practice Teaching

It’s D-1 of my practice teaching. Tomorrow will be my last day of practice teaching. And today, maam Ariar ask me to have my topic tomorrow on my last day of practice teaching. She ask me to discuss business in Indonesia. So, today I don’t have actual teaching, just being teacher’s assistant. As usual, maam Ariar will start her class with pray and giving some short lecture to introduce a new topic. Then she’ll have discussion with the students. Sometime she’ll ask my opinion or even ask about the topic with Indonesian perspective to give the students more perspective towards the topic. Then she’ll make a group assignment for her students. This time, maam Ariar use a different way to divide the group, she’ll ask the students to count from 1-5 and the one who got number will be in group 1

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